Blowhole wave energy could soon be world's cheapest clean power

Blowhole wave energy could soon be world's cheapest clean power图片展示

发布时间:2024-10-19 观看次数:79036
  • Blowhole wave energy could soon be world's cheapest clean power视频展示

    Blowhole wave energy could soon be world's cheapest clean power详情

    The UniWave sea platform is an artificial blowhole that harvests energy from ocean waves. Independent analysts now predict it'll create some of the cheapest renewable energy on the market – and some of the most reliable and predictable, as well.

    We first encountered Wave Swell Energy (WSE) and the UniWave back in early 2021. This curious, half-sunken-looking concrete structure is designed to efficiently replicate the shape of a natural blowhole – a rock formation that channels waves in at the bottom and features a hole further up the top. As the waves move into the channel, they push out the ambient air through the hole – sometimes causing water to come spouting out as well.

    The UniWave creates a similar effect, letting air and water push freely up a channel and through an outlet valve. Then, the valve closes as the wave recedes, creating a powerful vacuum in the chamber, and air is sucked in through an inlet at the top of the device, where it runs through a turbine and generates electricity. Why not harvest the in-stroke as well? WSE says its design is simpler and cheaper than devices that try to harvest energy both ways. Its turbines should also last longer, given that they're not getting salt water splashed through them.
