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North Korea slams Moon for giving Trump credit for talks

2024-10-20 03:25:01      点击:375
By Kim Rahn

North Korean state media have strongly criticized South Korean President Moon Jae-in about his remarks on the ongoing inter-Korean talks.

It is not new for North Korean media to criticize and ridicule a South Korean president, but this time it did so while the two Koreas have been holding talks concerning North Korea's participation in the PyeongChang Winter Olympics and Paralympic Games.

It was also contrary to North Korean leader Kim Jong-un's soft-line stance toward the South in his Jan. 1 New Year speech, which created the mood for dialogue.

The Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) Sunday carried a report in which it used critical expressions toward Moon over 25 times.

The report raised the issue of Moon's New Year address Jan. 10, that the U.S. and the international community's pressure and sanctions against the North may have led the reclusive state to the inter-Korean talks and U.S. President Donald Trump played a big role in this regard.

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North Korea called these "ill-boding remarks chilling the atmosphere for reconciliation."

"The happy environment for the North-South reconciliation, created by the great magnanimity and initiative measures taken by the DPRK, has greatly excited all the Koreans including those in the South," the KCNA said in its English dispatch.

The DPRK stands for the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, the North's official name.

Saying Moon should not delude himself, it said, "We will as ever strive to improve the North-South ties but will never remain an onlooker to sordid acts of chilling the efforts."

Regarding South Korea-U.S. cooperation on the North's nuclear issue, the KCNA said Moon was pathetic to curry favor with his "discontent master."

The North called the South Korean President the "South Korean chief executive" in a degrading expression, while it called him "President Moon Jae-in" in a Jan. 3 television report that delivered Kim's order to restore the inter-Korean communication channel at Panmunjeom.

On Moon's remark that he was willing to have a summit with Kim if conditions are met and a productive outcome is guaranteed, the KCNA said it is common sense that there would be a joint statement and agreements once talks are held, so it doesn't make sense to say a meeting is possible only when success is guaranteed.

The North also warned of possible changes of its intention to participate in the Olympics, saying,"Everything is now at the beginning. They should know that the train and buses carrying our delegation to the Olympics are still in Pyongyang. The South Korean authorities had better ponder over what unfavorable results may be prompted by their impolite behavior."

Regarding the North Korean report, the South's unification ministry said it values efforts to improve inter-Korean relations based on mutual understanding and respect. "We think the North has its own circumstances. The KCNA report may reflect this, and we don't have more to say about it," ministry spokesman Baik Tae-hyun said.

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